Board of Education Facts
Board of Education members are elected to six-year terms and are not compensated.
Meetings of the Lapeer Community Schools Board of Education are held on the first Wednesday of the month. Board meetings begin at 7 p.m. unless otherwise noted. The Board may also call special meetings as necessary.
Board of Education meetings are business meetings held in public and are not the forum for the airing of business that is unrelated to the Board’s responsibilities. At each meeting, the public is allotted time to address to the Board for no more than five minutes per person. Anyone wishing to address the Board must fill out and turn in a public comment card to a Board member.
Board Policy 9700 prohibits the distribution and posting of literature on LCS property by any organization other than the District without the permission and prior review of the Superintendent or designee. The policy further prohibits the distribution and posting of political campaign material on school grounds at any time.