Policies, Guidelines, and Forms
Discrimination and Harassment Policies, Guidelines, and Forms (Including Title IX)
Board Bylaw 0145 - Discrimination and Harassment
The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a learning/working environment in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respect, free from illegal discrimination and harassment based on a legally prohibited characteristic.
There will be no tolerance for discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), marital status, genetic information, disability, age, or any other basis prohibited by law.
The discrimination or harassment of a student, staff member, or third party is strictly forbidden. Any person who is found to have violated this policy will be subject to discipline and may be reported to law enforcement authorities.
Professional Staff
Board Policy 3362 Discrimination and Harassment of Staff or Applicants - Professional Staff
Administrative Guideline 3362.01 Discrimination and Harassment (Non-Title IX) - Employees
Administrative Guideline 3362.02 Sexual Harassment Under Title IX - Employees
Support Staff
Board Policy 4362 Discrimination and Harassment of Staff or Applicants - Support Staff
Administrative Guideline 4362.01 Discrimination and Harassment (Non-Title IX) - Employees
Administrative Guideline 4362.02 Sexual Harassment Under Title IX - Employees
Board Policy 5517 Discrimination and Harassment of Students
Administrative Guideline 5517.01 Discrimination and Harassment (Non-Title IX) - Students
Administrative Guideline 5517.02 Sexual Harassment Under Title IX - Students
Formal Complaint Forms Staff and Students