Group of fifth grade students that comprise the Murphy Gardening Club

Last week, a large group of Murphy Elementary fifth grade students met during the school's lunch periods.

Part of the Murphy Gardening Club, the students took part in a garlic bulb sale to help raise money for the school's sensory garden project (scan QR code for more info). The students had various roles during the sale, such as handling money, interacting with customers and managing the product.QR code that links to information about the Murphy Sensory Garden

The bulbs were grown in the school's garden last year.

"This opportunity provides the students money management skills, customer service skills and a teamwork experience," said Kaitlin "Miss Kaiti" Lane, a paraprofessional at Murphy who runs the Gardening Club. "After the conclusion of the sale, our gardeners will have the opportunity to meet every other week during February and March for indoor informational meetings. These meetings will be in regard to the plans of our sensory garden to encourage the students' involvement, as well as mini lessons on various gardening topics."

The club is always looking for new members and volunteers, especially once spring arrives and the sensory garden gets closer to being installed.

For more information on the club or to inquire about joining, email Miss Kaiti at